Exhibition view Portale at Isenburger Schloss Offenbach, 60x80cm each, February 2020

Exhibition view Portale at Isenburger Schloss Offenbach, 60x80cm each, February 2020

Exhibition view Fail early and often at SAP Walldorf, 60x80cm each, May 2019
We spent half of our lifetime in the night, without even being able to perceive it thoroughly. As we hide in beds and our bodies try to rest, our subconscious wakes up. The most uncanny things usually occur in the darkness, but also the most honest ones. How and can one document something in the night, as one sees it with it's own eyes? Can one experience something, without seeing anything that can be described as an object? For this work, an instant camera was used to capture things at night, because one can not manipulate the exposure time with it. The polaroids that came out of the camera, were all almost completely black. But if you look at them long enough in the daylight, similar thing happens as with the Camera Obscura; the eye gets used to the darkness and begins to recognize parts of the picture. But the visible field remains limited. Therefore, the polaroids are scanned and brightened digitally in order to investigate if one can see the photographed motives. Suddenly the monochrome surface reappears, showing traces of photographed subjects. The question of - is it possible to capture night as we see it, the answer could be positive, but our aim to see more and investigate everything, relativise the the same question. Furthermore, it brings new questions; the one is our urge to document everything we found interesting and important, even if it’s not really possible to that in a way we see things, and the question of being able to perceive something, without a need to make it a part of oneself, without freezing the time in form of one solid photograph.